Welcome to Sports Data Campus!

About Sport Data Campus
Sports Data Campus was established in 2017 to address the urgent need for professionals specialized in Big Data and Advanced Data Analytics applied to sports.
Since the first edition of the Master’s in Sports Big Data, which began in October 2018, we have conducted more than 50 training actions, including Master’s Programs, Expert Programs, and University Diplomas, for over 2,500 students from around the world. A significant percentage of these students work in major leagues globally, across multiple sports disciplines.
This fact positions Sports Data Campus as the leading educational institution worldwide in terms of training in sports data analysis. Each year, more than 500 students enroll in our Master’s Programs, Expert Programs, and University Diplomas.
Currently, we offer 18 advanced university training programs, certified by UCAM. These include 8 International Master’s Programs.
To deliver these higher education programs, Sports Data Campus collaborates with more than 100 companies, clubs, and entities, creating a fully integrated ecosystem in professional sports. Additionally, our academic faculty consists of over 200 tutors, mentors, and experts.
Moreover, more than 8,000 professionals attend our annual events, both in-person and remotely.
All training programs at Sports Data Campus are certified by UCAM (Catholic University of Murcia), the most prestigious sports university in Europe. UCAM is the university with the highest number of athletes, both Olympic and Paralympic, participating in the Tokyo Games, achieving a total of 22 medals and 31 Olympic Diplomas. Recently, it was also recognized as one of the top 10 universities in Europe for teaching quality, according to the Times Higher Education (THE) ranking.
The MSc in SOCCER ANALYTICS is a groundbreaking program designed for professionals who want to work in the world of elite soccer through data science. The program offers comprehensive training that combines performance analysis with the latest big data and artificial intelligence technologies, preparing students to face the challenges of modern soccer.
We are living in an era known as the data revolution. The old analytics processes are giving way to new and complex data exploitation processes aimed directly at knowledge creation.
The Master’s in Innovation and Technology in Sports Entities prepares various professional profiles to lead the transformation of sports entities through the application of new technologies. Participants will gain a comprehensive vision and the necessary skills to operate with greater professional competence in the demanding world of sports
The Master’s in Innovation and Technology in Sports Entities prepares various professional profiles to lead the transformation of sports entities through the application of new technologies. Participants will gain a comprehensive vision and the necessary skills to operate with greater professional competence in the demanding world of sports

A unique training program with high-quality, exclusive content that you won’t find anywhere else

A unique training program with high-quality, exclusive content that you won’t find anywhere else

We have already trained more than 2,500 students from all the major leagues and various sports.

We collaborate with over 100 professional clubs and teams, and with more than 200 leading companies in their sector

Publish and find opportunities in our community full of professionals for networking.

Awarded as one of the top 10 universities in Europe for teaching quality, according to the Times Higher Education (THE) ranking

Our teachers and masterclasses are top-notch globally. You will have access to exclusive events with them

Pre-Master: You will earn three FREE diplomas valued at €3,000: Python, R, and Sports Statistics and Mathematics
Unbeatable price and
the best conditions.
Learn about our international
scholarship and financial aid program.
Enjoy learning accompanied by a top-level faculty and learn from the best, both through core content and MasterClasses, with the highest visibility and reach.
Practical Approach
fully focused on efficient competency development of participants
100% e-learning methodology, asynchronous and interactive, combined with live telepresence sessions, optional and designed for your utmost comfort in participation.
“Learning By Doing” methodology. All practical activities are designed to provide value and be exploitable.
Community Leader
Join the world’s leading community of professionals in Advanced Analytics applied to Football, with over 20,000 contacts.
With the Academic Endorsement from UCAM, the University of Sports, which collaborates and Certifies the Master’s program so that our students can obtain a unique University Degree in the world, with the highest academic and scientific recognition.

Certified by UCAM, the University of Sports, through Sports Data Campus, the largest International Campus specialized in Technology, Sports, and Advanced Analytics; and the Big Data International Campus of ENIIT (Innova IT Business School), the Reference Campus for specialized postgraduate training in Big Data

MORE programs in other languagues

14º Máster en Big Data Deportivo
The leading Master’s program on Big Data and sports in Spanish worldwide! An undisputed leader with 9 editions and over 1,300 students trained from all the major leagues and various sports. Most of the analysts in top Spanish teams have studied with us. Numerous reasons such as the pre-Master, more than 100 professionals at your service, and a unique, high-quality curriculum make this the ideal Master’s program to open all the doors to your professional future

8th Master's in Big Data Applied to Scouting in Football (in collaboration with Sevilla FC)
A unique Master’s program, conducted in close collaboration with Sevilla FC, ideal for professionals (or those aspiring to become professionals) who seek to make a qualitative leap and distinguish themselves by learning from the best in the industry.

8th Master's in Big Data Applied to Physical Preparation in Football
(25.03.25 )
The Master’s program that the professional physical preparation sector has long been demanding. Prepared and designed by physical trainers with extensive experience in the elite of professional football, for all those working in the sector (or aspiring to work someday)

11th Master's in Artificial Intelligence Applied to Sports
We are living in an era known as the data revolution. The old analytics processes are giving way to new and complex data exploitation processes aimed directly at knowledge creation.

2st Master's in Innovation and Technology in Sports Entities
The Master’s in Innovation and Technology in Sports Entities prepares various professional profiles to lead the transformation of sports entities through the application of new technologies. Participants will gain a comprehensive vision and the necessary skills to operate with greater professional competence in the demanding world of sports.

3st Master's in Advanced Python Applied to Sports
Data analysis is the new playing field where strategy and performance are optimized to unimaginable limits. With this advanced course, designed especially for alumni of the Master’s in Sports Big Data and professionals seeking a competitive edge, you will become a pioneer of change, applying data science to turn information into victories

8º Master em Big Data aplicado ao Futebol
Ao longo do Master aprenderás pela mão dos melhores profissionais do panorama nacional e internacional a dominar todo o processo de tratamento e análise de grandes conjuntos de dados (armazenamento, transformação, interpretação e comunicação).
Ao finalizar o master, estarás dotado do potencial necessário para apoiar uma estrutura desportiva profissional como analista de dados, criando um valor diferencial para o teu clube.
more information
Ask us about our international scholarship program and special conditions